
Kick ass

warning assumptions ahead

Everyday, management teams base investment decisions on a whole load of assumptions. What should we invest in? What do customers value? How do we improve our market positioning? What’s our value proposition and how do we take it to market?

However bright, capable and experienced your team is, the answers don’t come easy. Subjective assumptions roll around the board room so everyone has a good old argument about what to do. Sales, marketing, customer services, ops and finance weigh in with competing voices, opinions and egos. The best you can do is listen, referee and try to find the middle that keeps everyone happy, including the customer.

The customer can tell you the answer. With their perspective at the table you can eliminate subjective assumptions from the conversation and make better decisions. Everyone would start with a clear idea as to where you, your product and your service really stands in the market, what customers value and how they see your strengths and weaknesses. Sure there’ll be still arguments  but at least everyone will be fighting for the good of the customer using hard data rather than soft opinion.

Remove assumptions from your daily conversations to make real strides in market performance. Kick assumptions into touch and find out where you really stand. It’s what your customers want you to know.

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